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SCCDC - Get Involved at our A.G.M


The South Cowal Community Development Company (SCCDC) was set up in 2010 during a previous effort to buy the estate from the council for the Community. This attempt failed for a myriad of reasons, but the Company's existence continued, and was rekindled in 2013 with renewed Directors to drive forward the ambition to bring the Castle into Community ownership.


The SCDCC is a company limited by guarantee and is owned and controlled by its members, it has a board of seven Directors who oversee the Company's affairs and is chaired by Alan Stewart.


The organisation has over 240 members at present state and would ultimately like to see all residents of the South Cowal area become a member. If you would like to become a member please get in touch.


The formation of the SCCDC is an initiative taken by local residents to save Castle Toward and prevent it from falling in disrepair or being sold to an independent whose intention may not represent the community’s interests. This company is owned by the community for the community. It is now time for our annual general meeting at which some directors wish to retire from their roles, all other directors must stand down for re-election. If you would like to get involved please attend at the time and place listed below;



South Cowal Community Development Company

Invite you to their AGM

On Thursday 28th May 2015 at 7pm

In Toward Memorial Hall






Minutes of the last AGM

Chairperson’s Report 

Treasurer’s Report

Election of new Directors

Any other business



Election of Directors


Our constitution (available to download from our website) requires all Directors of SCCDC to stand down at each AGM, providing an opportunity for other members of South Cowal to serve on the Board. SCCDC can have a maximum of 8 Board members at any time, and a ballot will take place at the AGM if there are more nominations for Directors than there are places available. Voting will be conducted through a show of hands by members. 

Please notify SCCDC of any intentions to stand as a Director by Thursday 14th May at 5pm. This can be done by emailing our current Secretary, Anders Gerrish, at We would ask any potential candidates to include a brief (300 words max) statement outlining why they would like to stand as Director and any skills or experience that they feel they could bring to the position. Remember, attitude is just as important as skills! These statements will be displayed to other members at the AGM before voting commences.



To meet our current board of Directors and the Chairman click the button below.

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